Wednesday, September 12, 2007


"You hum him/her goodbye like its nothing... While all you wanna do is hold on forever... But you let go... Smile and walk away... Then cry all the way home because you know it will never be the same again... Because as much as you want to try, you can't make someone love you... Sometimes you have to set them free. Sadly, letting go is when love hurts the most..."


What if Harry never got his Hogwarts letter? Voldermort never heard of the prophecy? What if wormtail never betrayed the Potters? Hermione never entered that compartment to meet Ron? What if I never met you? Life is not a magical tale but having you as my friend is worth more than any magic Hogwarts has to offer.


It is not "Destiny" that determines "love" it is "Choice". Our so-called "Destiny" is a lie... Relationships last long not because they're destined to last long. Relationships last long because two brave people made a choice -- to keep it, to fight for it, & to work for it.

Meanwhile, other relationships fail not because they're destined to fail. They failed because one of the two, or both, made the choice -- to set each free...


We always wish for someone perfect but love isn't about finding the perfect person, Its about realizing that an imperfect person can make our life almost perfect.


It's hard to wait around for something you know might not happen but it's harder to give up when you know it's everything you want...


All things in life are temporary. If they're going well, enjoy! They won't last forever. If they go wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either! What is nice about life is that each day is never like the other. Enjoy life and throw all your troubles away!


I love rainy days they give me a reason to stay at home,  be alone, stare at the pouring rain, and feel the cold weather... It felt good, realy good... Coz even for once, I am able to feel the coldness from the outside... and not from within...


You wanna know what really sucks?

It's when you want to ask one simple question....

But, you're heart is freaking scared of the answer.


Sometimes, no matter how secure you are in someone's arms, and no matter how tightly you hold on to the person's hand, you'll find yourself falling...

dangerously in love with someone else.

Monday, September 10, 2007


If the vacation spot becomes your home, where do you go for vacation? If going back home starts feeling like going for vacation, then has the definition of home changed?  If what you want is not what you need and what you need is not what you what, then do we satisfy our want or our need? If everything that you do whats with the thought of SOMEONE else, then gave you lost yourself? Or found a reason to do everything?


"The one who is good in taking care of other people is the same person who needs someone to take care of them."


"You cannot hurt someone who feel nothing special for you.."

"You cannot be hurt by anyone unless that person is somewhat special for you.."


Life's a contant change. Love's the greatest surprise. Friendship's your best defense. Maturity comes with responsibilities. And death's just around the corner.

So expect little,  assume nothing, sometimes be selfish, learn from your mistakes, listen to your heart, take care of your friends, treasure your family, achieve your goals, cry because of laughter, laugh because of pain, eat your pride and throw up all the angst in you.

And remember that LIFE is the best gift cos not everyone gets the chance to have it!


"I won't dare question God why I suffer pain and enguish.... cos I never try to question Him when I feel happiness and fortune.."


Life is all about waking up each day to discover something new... about meeting new old people but making new conversations... walking thru old roads but still feeling nice about it... realizing that you have grown a day older but still feeling young at heart... meeting busy scheds but still finding time to smile... being nostalgic about gone days but looking forward to better days to come.


In my world of wrong choices someday, somones will come into my world... Who will make me say "This time... I got it right."


When things are bad, take comfort in the thought that they could always be worse. When things are at its worst, find hope in the thought that things are so bad that they have to get better soon... keep the faith, it shall pass.


Even if someone is too numb to feel you.... or too insensitive to notice you... you still choose to stay because beyond what others see in that person... you feel that tiny chance that maybe if you hold a little bit tighter,  he/she'll learn to appreciate your worth.


"Being a surgeon is easy, just remember to cut, close and suture... but sometimes you'll encounter a cut that is difficult to heal, just like love, you can always cut but closure and suturing don't always follow, thus causing continous bleeding.."

-- mcdreamy; grey's anatomy.


Sometimes, we think that love has to be reciprocal. That, if we are in a relatioship, everything should be equal. But that mentality is wrong. Love isn't about give and take, but rather, give and give. Remember, MOther Teresa was once asked to define love, and her answer was 'love is giving until it hurts...' So don't hate yourself if you think you gave it all and your partner gave only half, because in the end, at least you can say, "I loved more."


Happiness is a very subjective factor in one's life... Being happy doesn't depend on achieving what you want, but rather making the best out of what is given... Life isn't fair, it never was... The only thing that can make you completely happy is contentment... Be content on what you have but be sure to aim high and never stop believing you can do better everytime... But if all else fails, don't forget that an ordinary you has an extraordinary God to back you up...


Sabi nila mas okay kumalas kesa maging panakip butas. Sabi naman ng iba mas okay magpakatanga kasi naipaglalaban nila mahal nila pero alam mo naisip ko, mas okay mag-isa kesa magmahal ng walang kwenta.


"Sometimes, fate has a cruel way of putting things together. Maybe it's better if people just give up when there's no point in fighting for someone anymore. When the ship has finally sailed, only a fool would go after it hen its already miles away. But sometimes, its a lot better to be a fool to go after what we want and need, rather than to regret everything in the end because we never even tried..."
-- Captain Jack Sparrow.


Setting someone free is the hardest thing to do... But its not the tears you cried that makes it so hard... Its the small pieces of hope left inside your heart that someday you'll still end up together..


The most harded people in the whole wide world are those people who are in love.... Whatever you tell them, they just wouldn't listen. Do you Agree?


"Sometimes you can't stop yourself from hoping for yesterday to come back... Especially when yesterday was the only future you ever wanted and needed from the start...."


Always tell someone how you feel... mean what you say and say what you means even when it's hard. Coz opportunities are lost in a blink of an eye but regrets can last a lifetime.


"Be with someone who knows what they have when they have you."


Whoever loves instruction loves knowledge..... but he who hates correction is plain stupid. --Proverbs 12:1


There's....a little truth behnd every "just kidding", a little curiousity behind every "just wondering", a little knowledge behind every "i don't know", a little emotion behind every "i don't care", and a little kick of lie behind the distant eyes of someone saying "i don't love you"...


Life is a box of chocnut, you'll never know if it's durog or not...

Sunday, September 2, 2007


There are choices ahead which could change your life. Unfortunately, there aren't any crystal balls to provide the answers, telling you where to go or what to do... But it is true that centuries of wisdom have never improved on this advice:

"Just listen to your heart."


Don't be afraid to take chances even if it might get you hurt just be strong and take it cos you might missed that single chance that would change your life and make you really happy.


Nurture others with positive, truthful words, not words that hurt. It doesn't cost anything to do so. But mean what you say and say what you mean. Do it everyday. This is one of the most obvious qualities of the most beloved people. If you cannot be generous financially, at least be generous with your words.


Relationship can never be perfect... you can never force your partner to be faithful in the same way that a normal relationship should be... What's important is at the end of the day you'll find each other, knowing that he's yours... we need to enjoy the relationship while its there... coz if you waste your time in doubts and insecurities, you'll never appreciate how wonderful it is to fall inlove. Remember: To get hurt is a fact that we bargain when we choose to love.


If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll get what you always got...

So the logic is:

"When you want something you've never had, you've got to do something you've never done."


Life is so short for drama and petty problems. So dance, soar, laugh insanely, love truly, cry honestly and forgive quickly. Life is too short to be anything but happy.


Funny how a man's silence can break a woman's heart into a thousand pieces while a woman's silence can give a man a thousand moments of confusion.


Every person you "bump into" has a purpose so you ask yourself, 'how did this person touch my life?'

With you, I never really asked.... I just thanked.


Never get discourage when things go beyond your expectation. Always remember that the greatest story in life is not winning but rising every time we fall.