Friday, November 30, 2007


Love is not a superman complex. You don't love someone because you think that person needs rescuing. You love someone because you think you've found someone extraordinary whom you would not want to exchange for anything in the world...*


A perfect partner in life is someone you can be with and talk about anything without realizing that the day was over... Someone who will always listen and feel twice the joy or pain you're going through... When you start to feel that "connection", never let it go cause there is more to companionship than to love only. Cause in the end, when all else fails and are consumed, you will always hold on to those times when you don't even need to hear the words "i love you"...


Its the silence that tells it all... Sometimes its not about the yelling and the tears. All it takes is for to people to sit beside each other and feel that something is wrong, that what was there before isn't there anymore. That they're miserable when they're apart but they're worse when they're together. And that there's ony two options left... Either they sit still and ignore the pain or one of them gathers enough courage to stand up and walk away....


A thought to live by:

"Treat everyone with kindness, even those who are rude to you. Not because they are not nice, but because you are."


They laugh at me because I'm different. When I turn around, I laugh even harder at them because they're all the same. It's not I like being differentl I just don't see the point of trying to be like eveeryone else.


A message from God:

Understand when other won't; forgive when other can't; care when other don't; and smile inspite of all your hardships and pain.


If the stars had been right, there could have been so much more. But since none of us is willing to take risks, we'll just have to leave it as is. I guess when things aren't meant to be, you feel it. And the truth stares at you in the face and you have no other choice but to let go.


We are too involved in materialistic things, and they don't satisfy us. The loving relationships, the universe around us, we take these things for granted.
- Morrie Schwartz; Tuesdays with Morrie


"Learn how to value the people around you... in a blink of an eye, what you see may be gone forever... you may not force them to stay but you could give them reasons not to go.."


Boy: You deserve everything! I deserve nothing!

Girl: I am nothing... and you are my everything... Do we deserve each other now?


There is a girl who argue with his bf coz she asked a ring for her birthday, but her bf send a talking doll instead. The girl refuse to accept the gift and she throw it away, the guy run as fast as he could to save the doll but there is a car accrossed him and he dies, the girl was crying and she get the doll on her bf's arms and when she press the button the doll says "Will you marry me? Please get the ring in the doll's pocket.. Hope you like it.."


Sometimes God gives us an orange when we ask for an apple. Why? Because He knows that the season won't give us the sweetest one. Everything's beautiful in it's own time.


You can chase a dream that seems so out of reach yet you know it might not ever come your way. Dream it anyway...

You can love someone with all your heart, for all the right reasons, in a moment they can choose to walk away. Love them anyway...

The world's gone crazy that it's hard to believe that tomorrow will be better than today. Believe it anyway...

God is great but sometimes life ain't good. When you pray it doesn't always turn out like you think it should. But do it anyway...


Love Lessons:

- "Sorry" was never synonymous to "I won't do it again".
- When he falls out of love, it doesn't mean you're giving less, it's because he's asking too much.
- Crying before breaking up is good coz you're trying to save the relationship. But crying after that is stupidity.
- There are no wasted tears, there are only inconsiderate partners.
- bitterness is often the painful consequence of holding on.
- Third parties are not the main issues, its always the two of you.
- forgiveness is different from 2nd chances.

Saturday, November 24, 2007


When you're out there looking for that perfect person... Keep this in mind:

People change no matter how hard they try not to... as you grow older, you mature and with each new level of maturity comes different ideas,different needs & wants... the person who was perfect for you at 20's could be the person you hate at 30's... you have to find someone who will grow with you, change with you, laugh with you and cry with you... remember that there is no such perfect person in this world, but there will always be someone who will complete you...


If there's one addiction I'd like to indulge into, it would be the consuming thought that... each day... every moment... is my last..


"The greatest weakness of most humans is their hesistancy to tell others how they love them while they're alive.."


An interviewed with God..

Man: What surprised you most about humankind?

God: That that get bored with childhood, they rush to grow up & then long to be children again. That they lose their health to make money & then lose there money to restore their health. That by thinking anxiously about the they future, they forget the present, such that they live in neither the present not the future.. That they live as if they will never die & die as though they had never lived.,..


In one eisode of South Park, Stan found his friend Butters who just had his hart broken sitting on a rain soaked curb in tears. BUtters: "Uh well yeah, I'm sad, but at the same time I'm really happy that something could make me feel this sad. Its like... it makes me feel alive you know? It makes me feel human. The only way I can feel this sad now is I fet something really good before... So I have to take the bad with the good... So I guess what I'm feeling is like a beautiful sadness..."


Someday we'll all be looking back to those days we learned to love, get hurt, cry, and fight. Maybe when that time comes, we'll be laughing at our old dumb selves, realizing how stupic we were to stand up for things we knew weren't really meant for us. But I guess learning takes time, and mistakes make one's journey fun.

life is what we make it.

love makes the world go round. so let's live, love and take whatever pain it brings -- for now.


I wish someone will assure me a lovelife that's like what baby shampoo guarantees.... "No more tears.."


The hardest part about walking away from the one you love is the part that you have to realize that he/she will never ever run after you...


"You hug him/her goodbye like its nothing... While all you wanna do is hold on forever... But you let go... Smile and walk away... Then cry all the way home because you know it will never be the same again... Because as much as you want to try, you can't make someone love you... Sometimes you have to set them free. Sadly, letting go is when love hurts the most..."


What if Harry never got his Hogwarts letter? Voldermort never heard of the prophecy? What if wormtail never betrayed the Potters? Hermione never entered that compartment to meet Ron? What if I never met you? Life is not a magical tale but having you as my friend is worth more than any magic Hogwarts has to offer.


We always wish for someone perfect but love isn't about finding the perfect person, Its about realizing that an imperfect person can make our life almost perfect.


It is not "Destiny" that determines "love" it is "Choice". Our so-called "Destiny" is a lie... Relationships last long not because they're destined to last long. Relationships last long because two brave people made a choice -- to keep it, to fight for it, & to work for it.

Meanwhile, other relationships fail not because they're destined to fail. They failed because one of the two, or both, made the choice -- to set each free...


It's hard to wait around for something you know might not happen but it's harder to give up when you know it's everything you want...


All things in life are temporary. If they're going well, enjoy! They won't last forever. If they go wrong, don't worry, they can't last long either! What is nice about life is that each day is never like the other. Enjoy life and throw all your troubles away!


I love rainy days they give me a reason to stay at home, be alone, stare at the pouring rain, and feel the cold weather... It felt good, realy good... Coz even for once, I am able to feel the coldness from the outside... and not from within...


You wanna know what really sucks?

It's when you want to ask one simple question....

But, you're heart is freaking scared of the answer.


Sometimes, no matter how secure you are in someone's arms, and no matter how tightly you hold on to the person's hand, you'll find yourself falling...

dangerously in love with someone else.


"No matter how crazy and funny the scenes around you, it is useless without that somebody who you want to laugh with.."


If you keep doing what you've always done, you'll always get what you always got... so the logid is: When you want something you've never had, you got to do something you've never done..


Wouldn't it suck bigtime if you fall for someone but she/he doesn't love you back? And all you can do is whisper: "I love you... But I wish I never learned to."


Some learning in life:
1. Be kind to yourself.
2. Looking good is feeling good inside.
3. You're not out to please everybody.
4. Expect little, but do your best and dream big.
5. Smile a lot! It's healthy.
6. Laugh your heart out, be silly once in a while.
7. Live light and keep it simple.
8. Failure is a good starting point.
9. You're blessed don't forget to say thanks.
10. Have faith. God answers your prayers.


"Wala siguro tayong matatawag na taong manhid kung lahat tayo ay kayang aminin and totoong nararamdaman natin.."


Sometimes, fate has a cruel way of putting things together. maybe it's better if people just give up when there's no point in fighting for something anymore. When the ship has finally sailed, only a fool would go after it when its already miles away. But sometimes, its a lot better to be a fool to after what we want and need, rather than to regret everything in the end because we never even tried...
- Captain Jack Sparrow.


A guilty thought: "You won't fall out of love with someone... If you didn't fall inlove with someone else..."


One sad irony of self is when we always knew what's right for others... while there are certain wrong things we pursue on our own.


They say dreaming is the best thing you can do, when the one you love doesn't love you. I say it's the worst thing you can do, keep on hurting yourself with dreams that will never come true.


A girl was sick on their prom night. She was so disappointed because her crush invited her to be his date. She was crying the whole night, she doesn't want to come out of her room, then her brother knowcked and told told her someone was looking for her. She finally went out of her room and saw that their house was full of roses and balloons and music... then she saw her crush, he said "If you can't make it to the prom.. I'll make the prom come to you..."


A kid asked God what is the most important thing to give to someone...

God answered.. "Time" my child.

"but why time and not love?"

"Love... you can give that, you can have that, you can share that to anybody... but with time, you can't stop it or control it, cause you can never bring back the time that has gone by. So spend your time wisely and cherish it while you still have it. Spend time with your love ones cause you never know when your time is over.."


A law student was once asked....

"Why des love come so unexpectedly and leaves so suddenly but the effects are borne eternally?"

He answered... "Because like domicile... love, when established, shall never cease to exist... when there is no intent to abandon.."


"Be with someone who knows what they have when they have you."


"Staying with someone you really love even if you know it's better letting go is like standing under the rain.....

It feels good but you know it's gonna make you sick.."


Be careful in ignoring things you thought are just nothing cause maybe someday you'll realize that the one you ignored is the very thing, you've been wishing for.


When Peter Pan san Tinkerbell again after quite sometime, he asked: "Why did you have to go away for so long?"

Tinkerbell replied: "You never gave me a reason to come back. I was there when you needed me. But I guess you never showed how important I am to your life. Now it's different and now we've changed. But I'm still smiling.."

Peter then asked why?

Tinkerbell: "I myself don't know the reason. Its just that now... It's your turn to miss me."


Sometimes, we put too much passion on the biggest dreams and priorities in life that we fail to love the smallest pleasures from simple things. We search so much for the right choices, for the right person, for the right paths to walk through, for the right time and for the right reasons but life isn't about searching for the things that can be found. It is about letting the unexpected happed and finding things you never searched for.