Saturday, December 29, 2007


If you can't have the best of what you want, learn to make the best of what you have. "A vision without action is a daydream; an action without vision is a nightmare." Happy people are those who don't have many things in life, but they know how to make the best of the few things they have.


We can be happy anytime once we understand that the only place we'll ever find genuine happiness.... is right inside us. Happiness begins at the point of acceptance: the point when we stop questioning why life can't be perfect and just accept the world the way it is.


A friend is someonewho listens without judging you right or wrong, good or bad, and gently helps you define your thoughts to regain perspective. When you're feeling bad about yourself, a friend is there to remind you of all those positive qualities you may have forgotten. A friend gives you the priceless gift of time: time to share, to try out new ideas and rethink old ones. No matter how often you're together, you discover dimensions of yourself through the bonds and the mirror of friendship. :)


Sometimes I must hold back my feeling not because I'm afraid of falling for the person but because that person has always been meant just for DREAMING NOT FOR HAVING.


When you love, never stick only to what your heart feels, sometimes, using your brain is necessity. Don't use your eyes to cry for the person who hurt you instead, use it to find the right one.. Don't be scared of a breakup keeping a loveless relationship is just a waste of time... Love the one who will fight for you and brace enough to face each and every consequence.. someone who you can call MINE rather than IDEAL.


Letting go is like getting a tooth pulled out from a dentist. Pull it out, you're relieved. But how many times does your tongue run itself over the spot where the tooth once was? Probably a hundred times a day. Just because it wasn't hurting you doesn't mean you don't notice it. It leaves a gap and sometimes you see yourself missing it terribly. Its going to take a while, but it takes time.

Shouldn't you have kept the tooth? No, coz it was causing you so much pain..


Loving someone who doesn't feel the same way is like, drowning in the middle of the sea, struggling for your life, while someone is at the shore, just watching you die...


"If you are not sure where you stand in someone's life, it's best to leave things behind so that if they drop you off, it will be easier to forget them. Don't waste time waiting for nothing; when efforts are not recognized, it's best to just give things up. You've done your part, let them do theirs.."


"love is all abut faith. You have found the perfect love if you believe you did, but if you'll keep on thinking that there's always somthing better, then you'll never be able to find true love.."

Sunday, December 9, 2007


It's nice to recall our mistakes in the past. Joke about real life punchlines and laugh about our dumb old selves 'cause remembering how stupid we were makes us realize how much wiser we are now.


Always live the life you want to live, be the person you can be proud of. Make decisions, make mistakes. If you fall, you fell because you tried. No regrets. Embrace the total dork in you, because life is too short to be always cool. You are what you are, take it or leave it. :)


A bitter thought:

If someone lied to you, it always end with two conclusions. It's either... it was for your own good... or... you weren't good enough to hear the truth.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007


I've heard it's possible to grow up, I've just never met anyone who's done it... We're all like children.. we throw tantrums when things don't go our way... We cry in our rooms when the pain gets too tough... We yearn for innocence when life throws us reality and like children we hope... and keep on hoping..


Some lessons are best learned thru pain, sometimes our visions clear only after our eyes are washed with tears... Sometimes we have to be broken so we can be whole again... If God meant the day to be perfect, He would not have invented tomorrow... So don't worry if today wasn't perfect coz you still have tomorrow.. And if there's anything in your heart that feels right, go after it no matter what it takes...


Words to live by: Just say what you mean and mean what you say. Don't expect someone to read your mind and don't play games with heads or hearts. Don't tell half truths and expect trust when to full truth comes out. Half truths are no better than lies. Don't be cold to someone you care about -- indifference hurts more than angry words... They say actions speak louder than words but sometimes it's better to have both.


One great form of wealth is kindness. It can't be diminished no matter howmuch you give. It increases that more it is shared.


Relationships can never be perfect.. You can never force your partner to be faithful in the same way that a normal relationship... What's important is at the end of they day you'll find each other, knowing that he's yours and we need to enjoy the relationship while its there.. coz if you waste your time in doubts and insecurities, you'll never appreciate how wonderful it is to fall inlove... remember: to get hurt is a fact that we bargain when we choose to love...